
Exclusive, engaging and accessible area-focused
interview content for local and regional
lifestyle magazines

An A to Z of local lifestyle interviews

There’s no place like home, and while the great and the good of popular culture, lifestyle, sport, art and more are renowned for flashbulb-lit engagements in major urban centres, 24kilos’ passion for exploring the lives, loves and inspirations of the well-known means we are specialists for local celebrity interview content.

We have produced over 500 local/regional lifestyle interviews - where is Jo Brand’s favourite Dulwich hangout? Does Bear Grylls really live on a boat in Battersea? Is it true Johnny Marr would rather wind up in Macclesfield than Manchester?

Our interviews reveal warm connections with geographic areas that readers can relate to and enjoy. This is why we’ve been commissioned extensively by the likes of Newsquest, Reach, DC Thomson, National World and Zoopla to produce ‘square mile’ material that connects and resonates in a way that only local people can appreciate. We’ll even supply cover-standard photoshoot as well!

Please get in contact to discuss pertinent names for your title.

Speak to our team about the parameters required for your interview - length, angle, tone, exclusivity, or something else

Our award-winning team will deliver A1 content to you,
often within 72 hours.

While all our content is subbed, proofed and fact-checked, we are happy to take on alterations or revisions at no extra cost. We also provide fully-licensed photographic imagery which is also included in the commission price.